Thank you & Welcome - What To Expect from 60+ Releases - Pick Archive

I wanted to give a quick thank you and welcome to everyone who has made it over here and especially to those who took the time to do an introduction.

BettingTalk has been around since 2001! It started as a posting forum with very basic software before going through multiple upgrades over the years. At the start of the pandemic we converted it into a large Slack group, and more recently in to a Discord channel.

Now in 2024 we’ve decided to convert it back to a posting forum, a really nice one with some great modern features.

We hope this new change will be conducive to a more productive and civil community, with much less spam and anonymous trolling.

As RAS has grown and gotten sharper as a group, the BettingTalk community has slanted sharper with us, and we hope to continue in that direction.

We’re still in a “soft launch” mode but hope to see activity pick up more in the coming weeks and months leading up to the always busy football season.

We hope you enjoy your time here, and don’t hesitate to reach out to any of us with questions or feedback.



What To Expect - 60+ Releases

Releases included as part of the BettingTalk membership will be almost exclusively from markets that the regular RAS paid services do not cover.

Picks will come from markets such as WNBA, UFL, College World Series, NBA Summer league, Olympics, and possibly a few others. During NFL, CFB, and CBB seasons we’ll do things like NFL props, FCS 2nd halves in CFB, and Extra game 2nd halves in CBB which aren’t part of their respective regular services. We’ll also have opportunities to release regular full game releases when the primary CFB/CBB services aren’t active.

We’re promising 60+ releases over 12 months, and will hopefully be able to do more than that.

All releases will be done at and we’ll send release warnings via e-mail and text through our system there, so please make sure your preferred contact methods are set up correctly.

Just let us know if you have any other questions.

Pick Archive:

5/20/24: WNBA: 618 Indiana +6 - WIN
5/22/24: WNBA: 627 Indiana/Seattle Over 164.5 - WIN
5/24/24: WNBA: 607 Indiana -1.5 - WIN
5/28/24: WNBA: 626 Indiana -4.5 - LOSS
5/31/24: CWS: 3244 West Virginia/Dallas Baptist Under 10.5 -115 - WIN
5/31/24: WNBA: 612 Las Vegas/Atlanta Under 173 - WIN
6/01/24: CWS: 3264 Vanderbilt/High Point Under 13.5 (-120) - LOSS
6/01/24: CWS: 3337 Grand Canyon/West Virginia Over 11.5 (-115) - LOSS
6/01/24: CWS: 3326 Oklahoma State/Florida Under 14 (-115) - WIN
6/02/24: WNBA: 622 Atlanta +4.5 - LOSS
6/07/24: CWS: 3183 Evansville +4.5 RL -110 - LOSS

6-5, +0.35 units


i think this place and how it’s structured is quite promising, GL guys, look forward to seeing how it evolves!


I am very excited you have returned to this format and are releasing the plays at Very efficient and stream lined. Well done! Since It is highly recommended that we use a laptop or a desktop to get our plays in, the only thing that would make this process even more efficient and stream lined would be a time to be at the desk? Even a range would be fantastic. Say 6pm to 7pm. The hoops release package was perfect in this way. You came in everyday from 930 to 1030 and then paused the account when you left for the day. Even if the proposed time range had no releases it would be still very helpful. Being mobile almost 16 hours per day has made it difficult to even maintain a desktop set up. Thanks again.


Thanks for the feedback.

The WNBA in particular might be difficult to schedule and plan for, I’d say 7-8am PT and 3-4pm PT most likely windows, but volume will be quite low so I wouldn’t want you to try to make plans around those.

In other markets we’ll likely be able to plan out windows better.


:fire: :fire: :fire: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:

1 Like

Was there any thought to waiting on these nfl releases ? I know they are probably
Widely available at legals , but I have a lot of ppph outs and only 1 has rsw totals up currently . So not able to get down a usual unit amount

Not really prioritizing PPH skins for these. Assumed most would rather not tie up credit or risk being freerolled on long term futures. If we get feedback suggesting otherwise, will definitely consider.


BOL this year Ed, win or lose you’ve guys have always been class acts IMO

